"The Body follows the Mind" - David R. Hawkins
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My name is Ernesto Parisii and I am your Coach. I am committed to awaken the hidden power in you for even more success in life.
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Do you want to increase your life experience?
Read about the power of the mind and what you get from working with us

The mind can empower or limit you
We have up to 70000 thoughts each day. These thoughts are shaping our life. Learn how to make them work for you.

95% of your life is unconscious
Our mind is divided into the conscious 5% and the subconscious 95%. The latter is the autopilot and runs our lives. Learn why.

The Body and the Mind are one
Traditional Psychology and medicine divide mind and body. The opposite is true, most disorders are symptoms.

Learn to unleash your Power
Each and every one has unlimited power, we are conditioned to cage it. Learn how to identify and remove your barriers.

The 95% can be reprogrammed
For many years we believed that our subconscious is set for our entire life, with the discovery of neuroplasticity, this changed.

Learn to effectively manage Stress
Learn to effectively manage your stress response during your daily life. Learn to separate from being day to day pressures and challenges that can be overwhelming.
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Can we reprogram our mind? Yes, we can!

I didn’t know how much I could actually train my mind until meeting Ernesto.
I knew there was a lot to discover, but he granted me easy tools to start training my mind differently in order to achieve my goals and find perspective.
He used his personal story as an example and he’s living-proof that change is possible.
If you want to learn more about tricks and tweaks to be actively present and to rewire your autopilot in your favor 👉🏻 try these 12 sessions with Ernesto.
It will be challenging, but empowering! 🙌🏻

Ernesto Parisii was recommended to me. They said he could help you because he had been through what I was facing. I got to know an Ernesto who approaches you in an uncomplicated way. He is like you and me and that makes him very likeable. That is exactly what it takes to find the right connection in a coaching session. To exchange experiences honestly and confidentially. The training that he has built up and reveals helps to break through negative beliefs and thoughts. To formulate goals and to work and visualize towards them. This training has shown me how different building blocks combined together make sense. It takes time and work and above all patience and suddenly it clicks. The months and conversations invested were worth it and I clearly recommend Ernesto Parisii as a coach.
One of the great things about Ernesto’s program is it is unique to the client. There is no one size fits all.
Ernesto takes the time to hear your story and struggles. The program offered specific practices tailored towards my
anxiety and certain life blockages. Ernesto has made a positive impression on my life. Beside the program itself, Ernesto brings in the human aspect and his past experience to let the client know that they can in fact overcome severe anxiety and limitations the anxiety may bring. I recommend this for anyone who has fear and anxiety within their life right now. You were brought here for a reason.

I have been a huge fan of Ernesto’s Instagram posts which is what led me to sign up for his 2 Day Seminar on Rewiring the Brain.
Ernesto is extremely passionate about what he does and it was very evident in the way he conducted the online seminar, bright, positive and full of energy.
Ernesto exhibited great wisdom, compassion and vulnerability in his teaching approach, sharing many of his personal life experiences to help the audience relate more deeply with the concepts. The seminar in itself was very detailed and well structured going into details of how the brain works and how to do efficient goal setting. It is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to learn the basics of NLP. Keep doing the excellent work that you do Ernesto. You are passionately following your purpose and that passion and devotion to help others, shines through both in your work and from your soul. More power to you.
I have found working with Ernesto very helpful in terms of strengthening my awareness about automated thinking patterns, feelings and behaviours that were not serving certain areas of my life. His wealth of experience and his practical exercises in between our sessions have allowed me to move towards a more confident version of myself. I have started seeing a few results at work and in other areas of my life. I would highly recommend Ernesto to anyone who is willing to train their brain to seel the results they want.
I really enjoyed Ernesto’s seminar on reprogramming the mind! I had already learned parts of the information presented during our time together, but when he combined it all, it clicked for me personally. Ernesto also brought his personal charm and backstory that further supported his message when it comes to getting stuck in a social system that does not support our best nature. Over the course of 2 seminar days, we learned so much about each other and ourselves. I realized how much I had been blaming myself, even though I was already doing much of what Ernesto suggested in his program. The information, combined with his personal touch and the pictures and diagrams he used, came together to form a unified theme: We need to take more responsibility in our lives to create the reality we want to live in and participate in. Different modalities and approaches to the changes Ernesto described were presented, which made me feel more comfortable taking matters into my own hands. Thank you for everything you contributed to this seminar!
Ernesto is really kind and thoughtful, ready to share his knowledge and his experiences in a way that is totally relatable to everyone. He gave golden tips on how to break the cycle of negative self thoughts or how to deal with overwhelming states. His anchoring exercise is golden and super helpful to navigate these weird times we are living. I advise everyone who is ready to swim deep into this neuroplasticity waters to embrace Ernersto’s training. Easy to understand, reliable and relatable. It was one of the best things I did for myself this year. Thank you for all the support and for sharing so much, Ernesto. It was wonderful.
I found Ernesto’s course/seminar to be highly informative and clearly laid out. For anyone struggling with life and all aspects of it the information and coaching he shares would be of great assistance and an investment in self. The rewrite your program seminar is an eye opening Experience as to how our minds work to create our reality and clearly sets a path for rewiring and changing beliefs, habits and much much more. Thank you Ernesto for creating this amazing opportunity for us to engage and participate in so that we can regain control of our mind in a world where it’s needed now more than ever!
I have been following Ernesto for over a year or so on insta and i was hooked on to his posts and i am such a big fan, when he announced that he will be holding a seminar, i was very excited!
When i joined his seminar i was blown away by all the knowledge i recieved from him. If anyone wants to do something positive for themselves this is where you should get started. I
It is very detailed and everything i had wished for. Thank you Ernesto!
It was a great experience to me. Ernesto spoke of his experience in such a open manner that everybody could understand and feel. Personally i use every day the tools i have learnd in the seminar with Ernesto. I just can reccomend this seminar to everybody. Just do it and feel better❤️😉👌🏻
Ernesto has taken the time to bundle up the best tools out there to help you live your best life whether it be personally or in business. Ernesto delivers how to set goals in a simplified manner that is easy to implement. Ernesto presents with humility and vulnerability with great stories in how he overcame his struggles to live his best life. Take his seminar they are well worth it . He invested in himself and shares that investment with others in such a generous manner.

Ernesto Parisii is a powerful combination of a beautiful soul, golden heart and a strong mind. He is a true example of commitment, especially when it comes to mastering the knowledge. He will go all the way to the core of the issue, he will study ins and outs, pros and cons, trues and falses of everything that matters to him, until he owns and becomes the knowledge!But the real beauty is not even in his level of mastery, it is in his why… He wants to learn so much because he wants to serve so much. His big heart has enough love to serve the whole world.When I met him at Harvard Business School back in 2009, I never knew I would love and respect him so very much. He’s been an absolute delight to have in my life as my friend, student and now my business partner as one of my first ever Licensed Trainers of Neuro-Shine Technology™.
If you are looking for someone who can teach you HOW you can combine the power of your mind and the wisdom of your heart, Ernesto is your man. And I highly and wholeheartedly recommend.

I feel very fortunate to have come across Ernesto via his wonderful Instagram account ernestoparisii. I was immediately impressed by his passion for people and for helping them reprogram their limiting beliefs and habits. Ernesto is a generous well of wisdom and compassion and gives so much valuable content! Everything he teaches, he has used to improve his own life and raise his personal and professional levels of impact and productivity. We have been working together for a couple of months now and my confidence, creativity and wellbeing have skyrocketed thanks to his support and vision. Eternally grateful to this amazing man and brilliant coach.

Wir haben uns folgendermaßen kennengelernt. Er kam geschäftlich nach Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA. Ich war am selben Ort. Ernestos erste persönliche Coaching-Sitzung hat seine Glaubwürdigkeit und sein Wissen über persönliche Entwicklung unter Beweis gestellt. Danach blieben er und ich über das Internet mit Whatsapp-Texten und Anrufen über sechs Monate hinweg in Kontakt.
Dies ist ein wichtiger Punkt: Ernestos Präsenz, Leidenschaft und Weisheit gehen über das Format von Text und Telefon hinaus. Er half mir beim Übergang von der Hausfrau zur vielbeschäftigten Autorin, indem er mir half, Ängste vor Ablehnung zu überwinden. Ernesto half mir auch, einige Familiendynamiken mit meinen inzwischen erwachsenen Töchtern zu bewältigen. Ich freue mich, berichten zu können, dass diese in guter Ordnung sind. Er sagt, was er meint. Er meint, was er sagt. Ernesto hat sich mit einer Leidenschaft für meinen Erfolg eingesetzt, die ich selten bei anderen erlebt habe. Der beste Indikator für seine Qualität als Coach ist vielleicht, an wie viele Details er sich noch Monate später erinnert. Ja, ich empfehle Ernesto Parisii als Coach! Schnell! Melde Dich an und nimm an seinem Programm teil! Tun Sie es, bevor die anderen es herausfinden und es schwer ist, in seinen Kalender zu kommen!

It is my absolute pleasure be writing a few lines about Ernesto Parisii. I met Ernesto through our pages on Instagram. I was new to Instagram at the time but knew once I had looked through his feed and had conversation with him through DM, he was someone I wanted to follow and support. I am a long-time student of what I call, The Great Work of Self. What I have experienced with Ernesto is someone who is very dedicated to helping people experience and understand the Great Work for themselves. I see him as someone who is humbling working through his own challenges and sharing his journeys very authentically for the greater good of the human following him. Ernesto has a knack for simplifying steps that make it easier to understand certain aspects of the personal growth journey and helping those following him to know they are not alone in the difficulties that can show up along the path to being a better human, letting go of past and living a happy life. I have had the pleasure of live video conversation with Ernesto whereby he helped me to understand more of EFT, that I was then able to share with a loved one. I see this man growing in his life, sharing authentically what it takes and speaking of his personal work to be a better human. His focus is directed to helping people who are looking for answers to move forward in their lives. The Great Work of Self is not easy work. Ernesto shares the reality of his experiences openly and honestly and can teach with care and simplicity. Wonderful attributes in a human wanting to help other humans.